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教师招聘小学英语《Where is my car?》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-26 17:20 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Activity 1: Let’s chant

I will chant with students together to practice the key words of this lesson. The chant is like this:

On, on, on the desk. I put my pencil box on the desk.

In, in, in the desk, I put my schoolbag in the desk.

Under, under, under my desk, I don’t put my books under the desk.

I will chant with actions and ask students to follow me. This activity can help students practice while playing.

Activity 2: Pair work

I will provide students with a picture of his or her messy study. Then I will elicit students to work in pairs to talk about where the things should be put and then make a dialogue.

In this way, students can practice the new words and sentences together in a real situation. Meanwhile, their awareness of putting things away can be fostered.

Step 4. Consolidation

In this step, I will provide students with some stickers of things in study and ask students to design their own study. I will ask students to put some necessary things in their study, but the locations of these things are decided by themselves. After they’ve finished, they’re asked to walk around the classroom to find their friends who put their things in the same locations as theirs. In the end, some students are invited to share their designs with the rest of the class.

The purpose is to develop students’ ability of imagination and communication and activate their interest in learning English.

Step 5. Summary

For the summary of this lesson, students can summarize what they have learnt in this class, and I will make supplements. The purpose is to strengthen students’ understanding of the new knowledge. Meanwhile, I can check the effect of the class and make plans for the next class. I will also stress the importance of putting things in right places.

Step 6. Homework

For the final part of this lesson, I will ask students to draw their own dream bedrooms as they wish. They can surf the Internet for more pictures.

By doing the homework, students can broaden their view and cultivate their love for art.


After finishing the part of teaching procedure, I will come to the last section: design of the blackboard, here is my blackboard design. As you can see, it is simple and clear for students to understand.









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