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教师招聘高中英语《Natural Disasters》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-30 13:39 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Good morning, dear judges! I’m very glad to be here to present my class today. I’m number X candidate applying for high school English teacher. And my topic today is Unit 4 Natural Disasters. In order to make my presentation much clearer, I’m going to divide it into 6 sections, that is, analysis of the teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.


First of all, I will give a brief analysis of the teaching material. This lesson, a listening lesson, is taken from unit 4 of Book 1 for senior school students, published by The People’s Education Press. The theme of the text is about “natural disasters”. Through the study of the first lesson, students can master the structure of news reports and learn some information about different kinds of disasters.

Teaching Objectives

Given the analysis of teaching materials, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

After the class, students will be able to:

1. To get the listening skills and words and expressions used in listening and speaking.

2. To get the listening strategies, especially picking out the key information of the questions, such as what, when, where, why and how.

3. Students can adapt their learning strategies according to the content of the unit.

4. Students can understand the characteristics of natural disasters.

Teaching Key and Difficult Points

Based on the objectives, I make the teaching key point and difficult point as follows:

Teaching key points:

1. Help students get familiar with some difficult words before listening.

2. Enlighten students to report natural disasters in a logical way.

Teaching difficult points:

1. Deal with some difficult words in listening.

2. Enable students to retell and report the natural disasters.


After the analysis of the teaching material, now I will analyze the students. Students are not only the target of teaching, but also the active subject of study. Thus, a thorough analysis of my students becomes a necessity. Our students are in Grade 1 of senior high school. They have studied English for a lot of years, they have enough English knowledge and learning skills, but they still need to practice more to make it better, so I will give them more chances to practice. And most of them have unique insights in many things, so during the class, I will invite them to share their own understandings as much as possible to improve their critical thinking ability.


Teaching methods

Based on the analysis of the teaching material and students, direct teaching method, task-based teaching method and situational teaching method are adopted in this lesson.

Learning methods

Students will adopt the individual work and group work. By means of this method, students are engaged in the tasks and classroom activities, and therefore they can learn more about the text.








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