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教师招聘小学英语《Whose dress is this?》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-29 16:44 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Good morning, dear judges! I’m very glad to be here to present my class today. I’m number X candidate applying for the English teacher. And my topic today is Unit 6 Whose dress is this. In order to make it clear, I will express my thoughts from the following 5 parts, which are the analysis of the teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods and learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.


First of all, I will give a brief analysis of the teaching material. The topic of this unit is Whose dress is this, which is the Unit 6 of Book 4, primary school, published by Yilin Press. The situation of this lesson is about a dress party. The boys and girls in the dialogue are talking about the clothes that they are wearing. Therefore, this lesson can help students learn many useful expressions and can lay a solid foundation for the students to study English in the future. Given the analysis of teaching materials, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

1. Students can listen and speak the new words like dress and gloves.

2. Students can use the sentence pattern “Whose dress is this?” and can answer the question.

3. Students can develop their speaking, listening and cooperation abilities.

4. Students can develop students’ awareness of observing.

5. Students’ interests in learning English will be motivated.

Based on the objectives, I make the teaching key point and difficult point as follows:

The key point is that students can understand the new words and the content of the dialogue. While the teaching difficult point is that students can learn to use the new sentence pattern “Whose...is it?” to ask questions and can answer it in their daily conversation.


After the analysis of the teaching material, now let me analyze the students. The students are from grade 4 of primary school. Students in grade 4, who apply image thinking, only have initial contact with English. They need the help of some teaching aids, like pictures, to distinguish between Chinese and English.

Meanwhile, they are active in class, eager to learn and show themselves. But they cannot concentrate for a long time. Therefore, I will organize some interesting activities to draw their attention to improve teaching efficiency.


As we all know, the aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. Make sure all the students take part in class, I will choose audio-lingual and task-based language teaching methods for this lesson.

According to teaching objectives and students’ characteristics, in this class, students will work in pairs and in groups to grasp the new words and the sentence pattern to improve their communication abilities.


According to the above analysis, teaching procedures—the most important part is designed as follows:

Step 1. Lead-in

At the beginning of the class, I will sing a song The party time (Lyrics: It’s party time! It’s party time! We’re going to a party; we’re going to a party! Come on everybody; come on everybody!) with students together to create a relaxing atmosphere. Then I will organize a free talk with students around party to lead in today’s topic. The purpose is to attract students to today’s situation and get familiar with today’s topic.

Step 2. Presentation

In this step, I will lead students to listen to the tape for three times.

1. Lead students to listen to the tape for the first time with an easy question “What are they talking about?” After that, check whether their answers are right or not.

2. I will ask the students “What are Helen and Su Yang talking about?” Then lead students to open the book and listen to the tape for the second time. So, the sentences “Whose dress is this?”; “It’s my cousin’s” and the new words can be elicited naturally.

3. I will play the tape again and students read the whole dialogue again following the tape for the last time and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

After listening three times, students can get the content of the dialogue and be familiar with the new words and sentences.








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